Lectio Divina at Home

March 22, 2020

For the Lenten Season 2020 a small group from various churches has met at Saint Mark's UMC in Raleigh for lectio divina in the Psalms of Lent 2020. It occurs to me that the Virtual Church might appreciate a plan for doing lectio divina at home for the season of Lent as we are being asked to stay at home. Hope you find a blessing in this practice.

This is your suggested format for doing lectio divina at home for these weeks when we are apart. I pray you are well and using best practices for staying safe. Our times are in God’s hands. God is still speaking; let us listen together in our solitude.

Choose your most convenient hour:

:30  Settle in the silence. Breathe deeply. Gather your thoughts and open your heart.

:35 Offer a Morning Prayer – 

New every morning is your love, Great God of Light, and all day you are working for good in the world. Stir up in us a desire to serve you, to live peacefully with our neighbors and all your creation and to devote each day to your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen. [1]

                                                Enter 3 minutes of Silence

:38  Prayer for Illumination   

God of Light, open our hearts and minds by the power of your Holy spirit that, as the Scriptures are read and your word proclaimed, we may hear with joy what you say to us today. Amen. [2]

:40 First Reading of Psalm 23 – Read aloud. Follow with  2 minutes of silence

:45 Second Reading of Psalm 23 – 10 minutes of silence

:55 – Name/ Write down the word or phrase you have been given. word –

            Third Reading of Psalm 23 in Silence.

:00 Enter the Silence – 20 minutes – This is the time of journaling.  Sit in Meditation as you engage with your journaling, and Contemplation as you sit silently in the Presence of Holiness.

: 20 Reflect on these questions: How has God spoken to me through this psalm? To what action/response am I called?

:30  May the peace of God go with you in the day. The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.

Pray for one another till we meet again. Blessings and Love, Lib

[1] Upper Room Worshipbook, p. 8

[2] Upper Room Worshipbook, p. 35